Cureline Group Provides Comprehensive Analytical HBS Services
Cureline provides human tissue for research in many therapeutic areas including solid tumor oncology, hematological malignancies, inflammatory diseases, neurological diseases, and cardiovascular diseases. We manage a variety of human tissue research services for your projects, including human tissue histology laboratory (Cureline BioPathology).
Our team also implements studies in the following areas:
Primary Cell Cultures
- Solid human tumors
- Hematologic malignancies (blood, bone marrow)
- Synovial fluid cells (RA / OA patients)
- Normal human tissues
Viable and frozen subcellular fractions
- Preparation of viable or frozen marker-specific cells from blood and bone marrow hematological malignancies
- Isolation of PBMC from fresh blood and preparation of viable cells in DMSO – containing medium
- Isolation of marker-specific cells from solid tumors
- Tissue 2 Target
- Cureline Molecular Molecular and cell biology laboratory CRO providing human and animal tissue research support to the biomedical research community (RNA, DNA, protein work; cell culture, primary cells, 3D-histoculture, Ab characterization, ELISA, etc.)
- Translational Histopathology Cureline provides access to a full-service histology laboratory (Cureline BioPathology)
- Target Validation Services Cureline in collaboration with Cureline BioPathology provides high quality IHC studies to our customers.
- Fresh Tumor Tissue Analysis Histocultures are three-dimensional tissue cultures that maintain in-vivo-like phenotype in contrast to monolayer cultures.
- Digital Pathology
- Tissue Microarray (TMA) Consulting on design, tissue procurement and production of human TMA
- Glycoproteome Biomarkers