Cell & Molecular Research Laboratory in San Diego
CURELINE MOLECULAR SERVICES (CMS) is a recently established laboratory division of Cureline Group, a global CRO leader in human biospecimen acquisition and analyses. CMS focus is Molecular and Cell Biology services for translational science and precision medicine programs, including manipulations with biofluid cellular fractions and tissue components (cells, DNA, RNA, proteins), comprehensive molecular analyses (proteomics, glycoproteomics, genomics) and cell-based assays. As a part of Cureline Group, CMS also provides access to biospecimen acquisition, translational histopathology, human and animal tissue management and proprietary glycoproteomic technology.
With full spectrum of services in HBS research, we will bring a broad clinical and sceintific expertise to your R&D programs:
- HUMAN BIOSPECIMENS (HBS) – global access, consented and clinically-characterized donors
- Molecular Analytes: DNA RNA, Protein lysates – isolation and analyses.
- Primary Cells (PBMC, BMMC, DTC, stem cells): from blood, bone marrow, lipoaspirates, normal and tumor tissues, etc.
- Molecular and Cellular Biology: Cell-based assays (cell viability, proliferation, migration, invasion, immuno-oncology assays), ELISA
TISSUE PROCESSING (human, animal) – preclinical and clinical samples
- 3D TISSUE CULTURE and assays (including 3D-histoculture)
- Antibody characterization and validation
- Biomarker discovery and validation (Proteomics, Genomics, Glycoproteomics)
We are looking forward to establishing a connection with your company R&D team, discussing how Cureline Molecular Services could assist your translational research programs, and together accelerating the Patients access to novel medicines and diagnostic tests.
Please contact us at CMSinfo@cureline.com for any further information.